Hi, I’m Skyler Lam
I’m a Chinese American-born Industrial Designer & Graphic Designer based in Massachusetts. I'm a Senior attending Rhode Island School of Design. I strive to bring joy to others' lives, help others, and solve problems.

I am an opportunity seeker and always improving myself. I’m curious, resilient, and ambitious. These traits are epitomized in my largest accomplishment...
I decided in March 2020 to apply to an Art & Design university despite not having prior experience with either. Starting from the basics of how to draw in June 2020 and being self-taught, I persevered to create my portfolio in 9 months before applying to RISD.

I work for the non-profit MatchingDonors designing and editing various public service announcements to raise awareness and money to help match life-saving organ donors with patients.

I worked at TJX as a Product Development Design Intern for the Hard Home Goods department specializing in paper celebration items along with tabletop items and reusable bags. 

Currently, I design men's and women's footwear at Clarks.​ ​​​
Fun Facts
Self improvement
When the pandemic hit, I honed my self-discipline: I started a workout regiment, meditation, mindfulness, and cold showers. I read books about self-improvement and increased my productivity.

I love photography, building computers, and working digitally. Everyone turns to me for help with troubleshooting technical problems. In a funnily backwards way, I learned how to paint digitally on Photoshop before I learned how to draw on paper.
Nature Sustainability
Environmentalism is the forefront of many of my works as I study with a concentration in nature sustainability at RISD.
Making others laugh and smile is my go-to-way of living. Through my work, I try to bring in a splash of playfulness!
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